"The Black Fog" Quake 1 Single Player Map


How to play?



This is "The Black Fog" Quake 1 Single Player Map released together with the 3rd issue of the Black Fog zine on November 11th 2022

How to play?

This map REQUIRES an engine with increased limits, such as Quakespasm, and Arcane Dimensions MOD to work.

It also requires the original Quake files, id1 folder to be specific. Where you get it is up to you, I have mine from gog.

If you already have all 3, use the Slipseer link and follow the instructions listed there.

Otherwise, follow these steps:

1. Download and install Quake

2. Download and install Quakespasm version 0.93.0+

3. Download and install Arcane Dimensions version 1.8 with Patch 1

4. Download and install The Black Fog map

5. Type "map mtk_blackfog" in the console to play

Additional video on how to install this stuff, if you still have problems.

gl_texturemode gl_nearest_mipmap_linear strongly recommended, paste it into the console or save as autoexec.cfg file in /ad folder.


The Black Fog map on slipseer

The Black Fog map on quaddicted


Arcane Dimensions

Quake 1 on gog


If you encounter any problems, let me know on our Discord channel.